Tummy Tuck


Diet and exercise can help you lose weight but won’t address loose skin or repair stretched or separated abdominal muscles. A tummy tuck, traditionally known as abdominoplasty, is a popular option for men and women in the Greater Philadelphia area to help them tighten and slim their waistlines after weight loss or pregnancy.

The tummy tuck procedure can be used to tighten the muscles of the belly wall as well as remove excess skin and fat. To avoid a feminine physique after the procedure, muscle tightening in men is often performed minimally. Liposuction is also combined with the tummy tuck to further accentuate the waistline. Scars that are present within the area to be excised can often be removed entirely to help improve postoperative contour. Depending on the location of tattoos on the abdomen, they may be removed also.

Abdominoplasty can occasionally be combined with other surgeries, most commonly with breast enhancement surgery or liposuction. Breast enhancement in combination with a tummy tuck is often referred to as a mommy makeover.

The incision is usually hidden low in the bikini line stretching hip bone to hip bone. However, the length of your scar is going to depend on the amount of excess tissue that needs to be removed. Individuals with just a small amount of excess skin may be candidates for a short scar or mini-tummy tuck. Regardless of the length of the incision, Dr. Mirmanesh will instruct you to wear your "lowest cut" underwear or bikini on the day of surgery to make sure the incision is covered by the garment.

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Procedure Overview

Before Tummy Tuck Surgery
After Tummy Tuck Surgery

Average surgical time: 3 hours

Anesthesia type: General in Certified Surgical Center

Estimated Cost: $11,000 USD


Back to work: 2 weeks

Return to exercise: 4 weeks

How Dr Mirmanesh maximizes your outcome

Scar optimization with silicone gel and adjunct laser scar therapy
Tightening abdominal muscles stretched during pregnancy "diastasis recti"
Pain control with local anesthesia injection at procedure conclusion

Am I a good candidate?

Non smoker
No medical conditions that reduce wound healing
No history of keloids/abnormal scarring
Unhappy with appearance
Realistic goals

Results Gallery

For the most up-to-date results from our very satisfied patients, visit us on Instagram.