Brow Lift

(Forehead Lift)

Brow lift surgery, also known as a forehead lift, is used to smooth the appearance of the forehead and place a patient’s eyebrows at their proper position. The aging process can bring drooping/low eyebrows, marked forehead creases, and an involuntarily tired appearance. A brow lift allows patients to open up the upper eyelid area by elevating the eyebrows.

The ideal candidate for brow lift surgery is a man or woman with visible signs of aging in the forehead and brow region, such as drooping of the eyebrows and forehead creases.

While most people who undergo brow lift surgery are between 40 and 60 years old, this procedure can help those of any age seeking to erase visible signs of aging or correct an inherited trait, such as a low, heavy brow.

More and more young patients are undergoing brow lifts to elevate their lateral brows into a more aesthetic appearance.

If you are bald, have a receding hairline, or have undergone previous upper-eyelid surgery, it is likely that you can still undergo brow lift surgery. Dr. Mirmanesh may alter the technique and location of the incision to best suit your needs.

Brow lift surgery can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. A brow lift is rarely performed the exact same way for every patient. The procedure is highly customizable based on the patient’s unique needs.

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Procedure Overview

Before Brow Lift Surgery
After Brow Lift Surgery

Average surgical time: 90 minutes

Anesthesia type: General in Certified Surgical Center or Local in Office

Estimated Cost: $8,000 USD


Back to work: 1 week

Return to exercise: 4 weeks

How Dr Mirmanesh maximizes your outcome

Scar optimization with silicone gel and adjunct laser scar therapy
Incision hidden in hair and hairline
Pain control with local anesthesia injection at procedure conclusion

Am I a good candidate?

Non smoker
No medical conditions that reduce wound healing
No history of keloids/abnormal scarring
Unhappy with appearance
Realistic goals

Results Gallery

For the most up-to-date results from our very satisfied patients, visit us on Instagram.