Inverted Nipple Correction

Inverted nipples are caused by tight and shortened breast duct tissue. Inverted nipples can be corrected surgically by releasing the foreshortened ducts. Nipple inversion affects between 10-20% of all men and women. Nipple inversion may occur in various grades or forms, sometimes affecting only one nipple or the nipple may protrude only under certain circumstances, but is primarily in an inverted state.

This condition can be present from birth, occur during puberty, present following pregnancy and breastfeeding, be part of normal aging, occur with weight loss, or be related to trauma or other inflammatory problems of the breast.

An inverted nipple can be irritating physically and damaging emotionally; particularly if the other nipple is normal or over projecting and becomes difficult to disguise in clothing. Athletic clothing and swimwear cannot hide inverted nipples.

During the procedure, a small incision is made beneath the retracted nipple which releases the tissue that causes the nipple to move inward. An inverted nipple correction can be completed in the office under local anesthesia or in the operating room during a breast augmentation or breast lift.

Procedure Overview

Before Inverted Nipple Correction Surgery
After Inverted Nipple Correction Surgery

Average surgical time: 45 minutes

Anesthesia type: Local in Office

Estimated Cost: $3,000 USD


Back to work: 1 week

Return to exercise: 4 weeks

How Dr Mirmanesh maximizes your outcome

Scar optimization with silicone gel and adjunct laser scar therapy
Incision hidden below nipple
Pain control with local anesthesia injection at procedure conclusion

Am I a good candidate?

Non smoker
No medical conditions that reduce wound healing
No history of keloids/abnormal scarring
Unhappy with appearance
Realistic goals

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