Nipple Reduction

(Areola Reduction)

Nipples and Areolas can be enlarged and this is concerning in both men and women. Although commonly presented in conjunction with large breasts, enlarged nipples and areolas can occur by themselves. Even individual’s with perky breasts proportional to their chest wall can experience protruding, long and hanging nipples or enlarged areolas. Most people do not like the appearance of this condition, and find form-fitting clothing and bras uncomfortable.

Whether a nipple or areolar reduction is performed alone or part of another breast enhancement procedure, this procedure is vital to the overall aesthetic improvement of breasts and the chest wall.

A nipple/areolar reduction is performed by making small incisions in the nipple or around the areolar and using very fine sutures. Dr Mirmanesh only removes the parts necessary to achieve the patient's ideal look. However, since size varies from individual to individual, the actual procedure will differ to accommodate this difference. Overall, reduction can reduce the height and/or diameter. This allows a woman or man to achieve a more uniform, symmetric as well as aesthetically enhanced breast and nipple appearance.

Procedure Overview

Before Nipple Reduction Surgery
After Nipple Reduction Surgery

Average surgical time: 60 minutes

Anesthesia type: General in Certified Surgical Center or Local in Office

Estimated Cost: $3,000 USD


Back to work: 1 week

Return to exercise: 4 weeks

How Dr Mirmanesh maximizes your outcome

Scar optimization with silicone gel and adjunct laser scar therapy
Incision hidden along natural nipple and areolar contours
Pain control with local anesthesia injection at procedure conclusion

Am I a good candidate?

Non smoker
No medical conditions that reduce wound healing
No history of keloids/abnormal scarring
Unhappy with appearance
Realistic goals

Results Gallery

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