Face Lift - Mini

A mini face lift rejuvenates and refreshes the cheek and jowl areas by repositioning the deeper layers, which have sagged over time, back to their youthful position. The mini face lift is known by many names including cheek lift, mini lift, K-Lift, short scar facelift, Lifestyle Lift, Mac lift, Q Lift, etc. These procedures can help rejuvenate the cheeks with a lower cost and shorter recovery than a traditional facelift. These options can be quite effective for the right patient, but they do not have as dramatic an impact as a full (traditional) facelift.

Younger patients who want to maintain a younger, fresher look are candidates for a "mini facelift." This procedure is appropriate for those who still have a good degree of skin elasticity, but are beginning to see lines and wrinkles appear. Candidates for a mini facelift or traditional facelift can be as young as in their 30s or well into their 70s and beyond. Many factors play a role in the way our faces look, including chronological age, sun exposure, environmental factors and genetics.

The mini face lift is performed under local anesthesia or some patients choose the additional comfort of having it done in the certified surgical center.

The mini lift incision begins in the scalp above the ear and the follows the natural curves of the ear to the ear lobe and sometimes into the crease behind the ear. Dr Mirmanesh identifies and repositions the deep layer of the cheek known as the SMAS to a more youthful position with semi-permanent suture. Excess skin is removed and the incision is closed with meticulous plastic surgery techniques.

Results gallery

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Procedure Overview

Before Face Lift - Mini Surgery
After Face Lift - Mini Surgery

Average surgical time: 2.5 hours

Anesthesia type: General in Certified Surgical Center or Local in Office

Estimated Cost: $9,000 USD


Back to work: 1 week

Return to exercise: 4 weeks

How Dr Mirmanesh maximizes your outcome

Scar optimization with silicone gel and adjunct laser scar therapy
Incision hidden in natural skin creases
Pain control with local anesthesia injection at procedure conclusion

Am I a good candidate?

Non smoker
No medical conditions that reduce wound healing
No history of keloids/abnormal scarring
Unhappy with appearance
Realistic goals

Results Gallery

For the most up-to-date results from our very satisfied patients, visit us on Instagram.